
Angular Training In Hyderabad

Angular is the next big deal. Being the successor of the overwhelmingly successful Angular.js framework it’s bound to shape the future of frontend development in a similar way. The powerful features and capabilities of Angular allow you to create complex, customizable, modern, responsive and user-friendly web applications.

Become an expert Angular 2 from Best Angular 2 Training Institute in Ameerpet with the most experienced and Angular 2 certified expert trainers in the field. Mean Js online institute provides Angular 2 training in Ameerpet to professionals and corporates on AngularJS version 2.0, and 4.0 HTML, CSS and JavaScript, Angular JS, TypeScript and ES6, Components, Form Handling, Data Binding and much more.

Angular 4 simply is the latest version of the Angular framework and simply an update to Angular 2. This course starts from scratch, you neither need to know Angular 1 nor Angular 2. Angular is faster than Angular 1 and gives a much more flexible & modular development approach. After taking this course you will be able to fully take benefit of all those features and start developing awesome applications immediately. Due to the extreme differences between Angular 1 and Angular 4 you don’t want to know anything about Angular.js to be able to benefit from this course and build your futures projects with Angular. Angular 2 to Angular 4 training starts from scratch, you neither need to know Angular 1 nor Angular 2.

What will you get?

You will get the experience of developing Single Page Applications using Angular2 – Angular4

You will receive the Real Time Project from MeanJS Training Institute in Hyderabad.

Working with REST full web services

Complete knowledge on the Angular 4 architecture

Angular 2 – Angular 4 Course Content


Getting Started with Typescript

ES6 Features

Installing Typescript

Compiling the code

Building a simple demo

Understanding Classes and Datatypes

Basic Datatypes

Access Specifiers

Functions with Datatypes

Building a class

Demo of using Classes in typescript

Setup VSCode or Sublime text

Setup git Desktop

Working with Angular-CLI

Creating Angular Application

Understanding setup files

Angular 2.0 & 4.0

Introduction to Angular-2.x

What is angular2.x

Difference between Angular1x and Angular2x

Angular2 Architecture

Introduction the basics

Creating a simple component

Displaying data in our templates

Working with Events

Using properties

Using two-way data building

Adding CSS to our component

Directives and Pipes

Structural Directives – ngIf, ngFor…

Attribute directive – custom

Using directive values

Angular Pipes

Predefined Pipes

Custom Pipes


Angular Forms

Template driven forms

Model driven forms


Error handling


Predefined Services

Custom Services


The angular2 routing bundle

Route Configuration

Router outlets

Router links

Using the router Class to navigate


Then angular 2 HTTP bundle

Using a mock backend for HTTP Calls

Using Http for Get Calls

Using URL search Params

Using HTTP for POST, PUT, and DELETE calls

Component lifecycle

Understanding component lifecycle Hooks

RXJS –Reactive Programming

Understanding what is reactive programming

What are Observables

Map Method


Angular Testing Utilities

Installing Karma

Installing Jasmine

Writing the test cases using jasmine


Introduction of Bootstrap4

Bootstrap4 components



Ecommerce is a electronic commerce,refers to the buying and selling of goods or services using the internet. To Explore their Skills, Students will be assign a Ecommerce project.

Housing Services

We also Train our Students in Housing Services. Housing is the best solution for companies who needs to supervise critical network application,that, managed autonomously.


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